Monday, August 30, 2010

Loooooong Time

Oh hey! It's been a reeeeaaaaallllyyyy long time since this blog has had any attention. With school, work, family, blah, blah, blah getting in the way and this blog hasn't been my first priority. But, I'm back and we shall continue. :)

Alright. How have you all been? Does anyone need any advice/help from fellow birth moms? I can post it and comment.

For those (birth moms) who are interested:

We need your help with our high school presentations on adoption. If you would be willing to share some of your experiences about placing a baby for adoption please join us for one of our training meetings. Our first will be held during the regularly scheduled chat room (this is in the group room, after group) on Thursday, September 9, at 7:30 p.m. at the agency. We’ll hold another meeting on Sunday, September 26 in Lehi. We’ll be meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Lehi Gateway Stake Center at 2150 N Pointe Meadow Dr.

Please Please PLEASE talk to your case worker before agreeing to do a presentation. When you get the go-ahead, come to the meeting! We will have our own training during group sometime soon. Questions?

Remember-- Group is at 6:30 @ the agency every Thursday. :) We would love to have you there!